Lower the Cost of Internet $
FCC: The Federal Communication Commissions
With the help of the Presisent Joe Biden and Vice President Camila Harris withh the Bipartisan Infrascture Law, the Affordable Connectivity Program was created. The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) provides an alternative way of obatining an affordable internet service for low income families. With discounts from $30 to $75 off your internet bill depending on guidlines, the (ACP) is a beneficial program that will provide financial assisstance for those in financial need.
Lower the cost of the already expensive internet bill.
The ACP is an easy step process. Step 1: Qualifying
Step 1: Claim Your Connectivity Program Benefit
Step 2: After qualifying check your internet service provider
Step 2: Contact your ISP (internet service provider) to pick a internet plan
After filling out the application and once approved make sure to contacct your ISP
If you need help on How to Apply click on the link below.
Participating Internet Providers: Located in Sunset Park
Internet Service Provider List
Verizon (FIOS)